Imagine yourself coming home from work, feeling tired, stressed out. You’ll need nothing less than a rejuvenating moment for yourself. A pamper-me session with the right essential oil to calm and relax you will be all you need!
Bathing with an essential oil is a special rejuvenating and therapeutic treatment for both your body and your mind. It will help you to sleep well, de-stress, relax and detox. Depending on which essential oil you use, some can even help you reduce few body inches.
It is very easy to have a bath treatment at home. You don’t need to go to the spa to get such a “pampering myself moment”. Buying out an hour and a half time for a whole preparation and treatment, which includes relaxation time will be great!
To have a rejuvenating aromatic bath, make sure to run the hot water for a while before you add the essential oil. Shut the door and window not to allow the fumes to escape. Using 4-6 drops of your favorite essential oil for your bath, use your hands to disperse the oil in the water. Never have a bath after taking a heavy meal, which can disrupt your digestive system and make you feel dizzy.
Moreover, bubble baths may contain some chemicals and some other preservatives so never go for it. This may interfere with the essential oil and might end up causing some allergic reactions, which you may not like that. Or if you can’t go without bubble bath, why don’t you go for a natural or organic bath soap?
After your therapeutic bath, relax for at least 10 minutes. Lie on your sofa bed with dress on. Dip a cotton ball in rose or flower water, cover your eyes with it and relax. Then follow up with your fave body oil.

Rejuvenating Essential Oil Bath Recipes:

Milk Bath:
Immerse yourself in a milk bath. You can use either whole milk or dried milk powder. They’re both good!
You’ll need:
- 1 pint of whole organic milk or organic dried milk powder,
- 3 drops rose essential oil
- 2 drops orange essential oil
- 1 drop sandalwood essential oil
Pour the essential oils together into the milk and stir. Flow the mixture under the running water, mixing it well. Relax in it for 15 minutes.
Detox Bath:
: You’ll need to detox after you’ve had a long late night out.
You’ll need:
- 2 handfuls of coarse sea salt
- 4 drops of lemon essential oil
- 1 drop of fennel essential oil

Mix essential oils together and add to running water. Enjoy 15 minutes in the bath. Use a loofah to rub your thighs, stomach ,leg, feet, back and shoulders.
Reviving Cold Bath:
Cold water bath is fun, i mean during hot seasons 🙂 Others are bold enough to revive their body with cold water bath, however, choose essential oils that energizes which goes along with the cold water.
You’ll need:
- 3 drops rosemary essential oil
- 2 drops lemon essential oil
- 1 drop juniper essential oil
Alleviate your stress level by mixing these oils together, pour them under running water, relax in it! This is good especially in hot season. Sounds very refreshing!
Honey and Milk Bath:
This mixture will make your skin super soft while it rejuvenates your body.
You’ll need:
- Main ingredient ( any organic honey of your choice; preferably, Manuka honey
- 1 pint whole milk
- 2 drops of carrot essential oils
- 1 drop of chamomile essential oil
- 4 drops of bois-de rose essential oil

Stir the essential oils and the honey into the milk. Pour under running water and relax in it. However, if you desire for extra smooth skin, why don’t you try and rub extra honey on your elbow, feet, knees, and breast few minutes before getting into the bath.
Seaweed Bath:
Seaweed has got amazing benefits for the skin and body. It is a good source of iodine, prevents obesity, aids in digestion, dental care and importantly, helps detoxifying the body. Moreover, seaweed improves the suppleness and elasticity of the skin. Last but not least, It acts as anti-aging and anti-cellulite agent. Therefore, why don’t you try and experience these amazing benefits for yourself!

What you’ll need for your seaweed bath:
- 1/2 dried seaweed
- 5 drops of cypress essential oil
- 2 drops of lavender essential oil
To start, wash the seaweed and soak it in water for it to soften. When softened, remove the seaweed and add to your running bath with the mentioned essential oils. Relax for about 15 minutes.
If you’re not too comfortable using seaweed in your bath, try this. Make a seaweed juice by adding 1 pint of water to it and boil for about 10 minutes. furthermore, reduce liquid by half, let it cool, and then add this seaweed juice to your bath with the essential oils. You’re good to go!

Have you tried a pamper-me time before or yet to try? Did you enjoy my post on the essential oil bath? Please comment and share with me down below which one have benefited you or which one you’re about to try!

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[…] Again, decide whether you’ll prefer a strong scent or a more subtle scent (an example is eau de toilette that you can spray few times during the day. Find out many healthy ways of using some of these oils here. […]