I am sure that most of us have heard many times about what self love is. How do you define self love? Well, it is a beautiful feeling you hold on how valuable, important and worthy you are. It is a positive view of yourself and how vital it is to take good care of yourself without letting yourself go, for a healthy living. Therefore, self-love does not mean you are selfish!
Self love in another way, mean something more than just buying yourself just a cup of coffee or spending time with friends. Taking care of your body and your mind is a great way to self love too.
Are you under lots of stress, or you need a time/break for yourself? Just don’t scroll, take your time to keep reading these useful and little known ways to self-love.

Self care or self love involves activities or actions that revolve around your spiritual being, your physical being and your emotional well-being.
Understand that this varies from one person to the other since everyone’s need is different. Pay attention to yourself and what you personally need and you’ll properly know how to care for yourself.

Find out what makes you happy.
You got no clue where and how to start from? Don’t worry. Just take a sheet of paper, and a pen. Write down all the thing that makes you feel happy.
Taking time to care for yourself could be anything from what you’re grateful for this day, your lovely family, your pet , cooking your favorite meal, a serene environment you love to sit and meditate and more….

Create a special day dedicated to you.
I usually kick-start my day with a quick prayer, thanking God for giving me the chance to wake up and see another day. I Pray for a calm and beautiful day afterwards.
Then continue my day with a soothing cup of coffee or my favorite tea to set my day off for a beautiful day. Self-love moment can however be during you stay at home or when you get back from work. Note that it doesn’t have to be expensive visits to spa or places.
For me, i find simple things like eating my fave fruits, reading one of my favorite books, watching a wholesome movie, and offering myself a pamper-me manicure or facial care to be a luxurious self-care moment.
surrounding yourself with the right kind of friends who are up-building, caring and loving can go a long way.

Schedule a self-care moment with yourself.
Many of us seem to be very busy with work and other activities that take most of our time. We also live in a world full of stress, upsetting moments and different stuffs. Finding at least an hour twice a week to self love can give you a sense of calmness or peace in the mist of hectic life.

- Do some few minutes brisk walking to be able to freshen up your brain.
- Cook a healthy dinner
- Cultivate a healthy habit of sleeping and waking up at the same time for a healthy mind and body.
- Cook a few minutes healthy dinner.
- Take a long bubble bath or a hot shower infusing in your favorite essential oils for a calming and soothing effect on your mind and body.
- I love to paint my nails, do some face mask, and pamper-me stuffs like whole body scrubbing with my fave body scrub.
- Move out a bit, find somewhere, if possible with lots of flowers and trees but so calm and serene. You having your soothing drink/tea/coffee, along with you a good book. Just sit and read, relax and enjoy the fresh air.
- Choose to feed your mind with things that promote healthy outlook on life.
There are so much more you can think of.
If you make time for yourself once or twice a week for a self love moment, you’ll learn to find joy internally, You’ll be able to deal with hectic and stressful moments you encounter in life.
Hope that you enjoyed reading this. Tell me how you define self-love in the comment session below. I would love to read them.
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Practicing self care/self love is my jam now. It helped so much with my mental health you have no ideas.
Thank u for sharing girl.!!!
You are welcome. 🙂 I’m very happy it helped!
Marie Standeren
Thanks for sharing! I think my definition would be something like “being kind to yourself, letting yourself have and do things you love, and feeling good about about being yourself” 🙂
Very true.Thanks a lot for sharing that too Marie!
Takara Ayana
Great tips! Self care is so important but many of us neglect it until we can no longer ignore it.
You are so right Takara! It is definitely something we need time for.
You’re welcome Alura! I really appreciate that 🙂